Tuesday 29 May 2018

Be Positive In All You Do - And This Is What Will Happen

Be Positive In All You Do - And This Is What Will Happen

Have you ever had that where you’re in a good mood and you bump in someone – and it’s like, “Hey, how are you doing?” And they’re like, “Oh well, funny you should ask, terrible!” It’s like, you impart your mood upon them.

And likewise it’s the same for you, right?

If you’re in a good, positive, happy, upbeat mood, and you allow yourself to be around people that are just, “Oh it’s Monday morning” like down and sad and that type of person. Then it is likely to affect your mood, y’know – it does!

The interactions you have with people, your mood, your positivity or negativity, can dramatically make a difference to them and their day.

You also form the habits, patterns, mentalities and mindsets of the people that you spend the most time with. Spend your time with positive people and be positive around others.

Continue reading the article Be Positive...

Monday 21 May 2018

The Most Important Sales Funnel Metric - Average Cart Value

The Most Important Sales Funnel Metric - Average Cart Value

Why is this sales funnel metric the one you should pay most attention to?

Average cart value (ACV) is often overlooked or even sometimes unknown to digital marketers.

Sad, because this is the single most important metric to help you determine how much you can spend on driving traffic profitably.

Basically, to put it in simple terms, after they’ve ordered that front-end offer, that first thing, and then seen the upsells that you presented, and they’ve basically finished that initial sales cycle, how much did that customers spend? Or how much are your customers spending on average, after going through that?

Continue reading about this sales funnel metric... 

Thursday 3 May 2018

The Perfect Offer Method (FREE) And A “Done-For-You” Digital Business

The Perfect Offer Method (FREE) And A “Done-For-You” Digital Business

How do we get more of the right buyers into the business, so that we can expose them to these incredible products, these incredible programs?

And that of course comes down to utilizing what we call ‘The Perfect Offer’. This is how we convert a really high number of visitors into buyers.

Typical front end offers convert anywhere between one to two percent normally with cold traffic. But we’re able to convert six, eight, ten, twelve percent of cold traffic into buyers, using what we call ‘The Perfect Offer’.

The training on how to do your own Perfect Offers and The Perfect Offer method and strategy – we’ve actually launched that yesterday as well.

But we’re going to be more public about it today, because it was quite late in the evening when we when we actually went live with that yesterday.

So if you yourself are a digital product owner, or… This is something that…

Works Insanely Well For Affiliate Marketers

…as well… To be able to build a list of buyers – people that have credit cards and are willing to invest and spend money…

You use The Perfect Offer to attract those people, build a list of buyers, and then you use that list of buyers to basically promote any affiliate offers that you’d like to promote in your business.

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